The migration information approach in Spain. The case of Nador’s tragedy


The research addresses the treatment of the migration phenomenon from a legal-journalistic perspective. The work focuses on the journalistic coverage of the Nador tragedy of June 2022, an event of international repercussion in which several people died in the attempt to jump the fence that separates Spain from Morocco, one of the main borders of Europe. The information published by the most read newspapers in Spain in 2022 is analyzed. The analysis code is designed based on interdisciplinary parameters, whose objective is to identify hatred towards vulnerable groups. The results show that the information does not use appropriate terminology with the fundamental rights of migrants and that certain approaches and contexts predominate that can reinforce the “us versus them” perception.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Ortega-Giménez, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH)

PhD in Constitutional Law from Miguel Hernández University of Elche (2023) whose thesis title was “The language of the rights of migrants: between freedom and discrimination.” She also graduated in Journalism from the same University (2015). He has worked for five years in radio and has carried out two cooperation stays in Peru and Lebanon, where he participated in educational projects with the refugee population. He has developed several predoctoral research stays: in the Constitutional Law Area of the University of Oviedo (Spain) in 2019; in the Academic Division of Social Sciences of the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco (Mexico) in 2021; and in the Department of Jurisprudence, Economics and Politics of La Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta of Rome (Italy) in 2022.
She combines her research with her work as Professor of Constitutional Law at the Miguel Hernández University. Among others, he teaches in the Degrees of Political Science and Public Management, Journalism and Law.
In addition, she is coordinator of the University's Oratory and Debate Workshop and a member of the Association of Constitutionalists of Spain (ACE). He is also part of the Pastoral Team of the Migration Secretariat of the Orihuela-Alicante Diocese.

Alicia De-Lara-González, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH)

Alicia de Lara González is the Director of the Department of Social and Human Sciences at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, where she teaches the subjects of Journalism Writing (I and II), Investigative Reporting and Scientific Journalism. She also teaches in the Master in Innovation in Journalism at the UMH and the Interuniversity Master of History of Science and Scientific Communication. Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alicante (2003) and in Journalism from the University of Murcia (2005). Her doctoral thesis (defended in 2011) dealt with the advertising and information content of the regional press in the province of Alicante. She has worked both in the advertising field, within the creative design, media planning and event organization departments, and in different media: television, radio and press.
In the academic field, she has published numerous articles and participated in conferences on journalism, specializing in research on innovations in media organization and scientific dissemination. De Lara has carried out research stays in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Newcastle (England), in the Department of Journalism Studies of the University of Sheffield (England) and in Vienna, where he participated in projects with the University of Vienna and the consulting firm Medienhouse Wien.


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How to Cite
Ortega-Giménez, C., & De-Lara-González, A. (2024). The migration information approach in Spain. The case of Nador’s tragedy. Revista De La Asociación Española De Investigación De La Comunicación, 11(21), raeic112111.