Analysis of research trends on digital political communication in Spain during the period 2017-2021

Keywords: political communication, digital communication, innovation, methodology, meta-research


In recent years, the digital transformation of political communication has been a frequent object of study. Specifically, the consolidation of digital technologies modifies the role of citizens, media and politicians, boosting a new type of public sphere ruled by mediatization and platformization. In a changing context, this article aims to review research trends on digital political communication in Spain during the 2017-2021 period, based on an in-depth analysis of the four main journals in the area in that country, indexed in SJR-Scopus. Our research uses the study of cases on the topics, methods, scopes and theoretical foundations on these papers to encourage a discussion about the academic production. The results show a prevalence of research designs on social networks or populism through quantitative methodologies, specially targeting the changes brought by new parties in Spain. There is also a lack of references to theoretical corpus, beyond some classic theories. This finding affects the cumulative nature of science; meanwhile, we detected a remarkable interest in quantifying the novelties from a standardized approach.


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Author Biography

Rubén Rivas-de-Roca, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC)

Profesor Ayudante Doctor en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación y Sociología de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). Doctor en Comunicación con mención internacional (Universidad Sevilla). Ha realizado estancias en Alemania, Reino Unido y Portugal. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la comunicación política y el periodismo local. Acreditado como Profesor Contratado Doctor (ANECA, 2022).


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How to Cite
Rivas-de-Roca, R. (2023). Analysis of research trends on digital political communication in Spain during the period 2017-2021. Revista De La Asociación Española De Investigación De La Comunicación, 10(20), raeic102004.